At a crucial moment for the future of the planet, Ecoacsa will participate in several events within the framework of the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16 CBD), which will take place in Cali (Colombia) from October 21 to November 1. This is the first COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework GBF) in December 2022, where, among other relevant topics, governments will review the progress made in implementación implementing the GBF and the alignment of their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans..

At COP16, governments will negotiate advancements in the monitoring framework and resource mobilization for the implementation of the GBF, as well as finalize the multilateral mechanism on Access and Benefit Sharing derived from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources.

The events in which Ecoacsa will play an active role are as follows: Ecoacsa tendrá un papel activo son los siguientes:

      • "Launch of the National Biodiversity Committee, Ecoadvance project, and ISO/TC 331"
        Date: October 24th.
        Time: 17:45 - 18:45 pm.
        Venue: Bank of the Republic, Music Hall, 7th Street #4-69 -- Cali (Colombia) 
        More information. Cick on the date October 24th and the event information will be displayed at the bottom of the page. It is required to pre-register. Once registered, it is necessary to keep the generated QR code to access the event.


        This event will explore the intersection between ecosystem services, la biodiversity and our daily lives. . It will highlight the crucial role of open technical spaces such as ISO/TC331, where collective knowledge about biodiversity can be built. Additionally, we will provide an overview of national and international standardization processes, including normas y temas claveThe essential role of industry and other stakeholders in decision-making based on these standards will also be addressed.


      • “Leveraging digital technology to unlock investments in nature and support corporate reporting”
        Date: October 26th.
        Time: 15:00 - 15:45 pm.
        Venue: Business & Finance Hub (Place Quebec, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center )
        More information


        In this session, we will explore how digital Earth observation technologies, supported by climate science, are revolutionizing our ability to measure and value natural capital. This enables quantification of the benefits of biodiversity conservation and the impact of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) in a scalable manner. These technologies provide the global reach, transparency, and traceability necessary to integrate nature into corporate strategies and financial statements. The session will also demonstrate how these tools align with major international sustainability frameworks, such as the GRI, TNFD, and ESRS, while helping companies identify risks and opportunities within their supply chains.

        Together with Lobelia, Iberdrola, and The Landbanking Group, we will explore how cutting-edge technologies can assist businesses in assessing and mitigating risks, creating resilient supply chains, reporting on risks and opportunities, and ultimately unlocking positive investments for nature.


      • “Enabling private investment to nature positive activities in the Iberian Peninsula: challenges and opportunity»Date: October 29th.
        Fecha: 29 de octubre
        Time: 09:00 h – 09:45 h
        Venue: Business & Finance Hub (Place Quebec, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center )
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        Pioneering work in the Iberian peninsula is being driven at both the private and public sectors, attracting private investment to nature restoration projects and facilitating the very first pilots in biodiversity baseline measurements and biodiversity-positive project activities over degraded land in these Mediterranean ecosystems. Working jointly with expert organisations in the fields of soil eDNA, Bioacoustics, NDVI analysis, vegetation structure measurements, and field work in different geographic areas (southern Iberian system; Moncayo's Sierra in Aragón; Las Hurdes in Extremadura) we believe we can greatly illustrate with real life examples, the challenges we are facing when trying to expand and broaden the current "carbon focus" of private investors. We will showcase the opportunities for nature-positive projects thanks to advanced biodiversity measurements which could deliver certified claims or biodiversity credits, and we will explain the problems we are observing at both the local, rural level and the corporate&finance level giving impulse to the necessary investments.


      •  “Building an International Corporate and Finance Collaboration and Awareness Framework to Boost Nature-Based Economic Development Opportunities - Ibero-American Business Manifesto”

        Date: October 29th.
        Time: 10:00 -10:45 am.
        Venue: Business & Finance Hub (Place Quebec, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center )
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        As an associated entity of the Spanish Green Growth Group, participaremos en este que destacará el potencial transformador de la naturaleza y las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza (SbN) como impulsores para el desarrollo económico sostenible en Iberoamérica. En el transcurso de la jornada, se presentará públicamente el Manifiesto Empresarial Iberoamericano, que representa un compromiso unificado de las principales empresas de la región para aprovechar los recursos naturales de manera de equilibrada con el crecimiento económico y la protección ambiental. Este marco proporciona un sólido acuerdo para impulsar la integración de la naturaleza en el desarrollo económico..


      •  “People’s Roundtable on Practical Natural Capital applications from around the world”
        Date: October 30th.
        11:00 - 11:45 pm. 11:00 h – 11:45 h
        Venue: Business & Finance Hub (Place Quebec, Blue Zone, Valle del Pacífico Events Center )
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        Participaremos en esta sesión como promotores del Natural Capital Factory, hub the Spanish hub of the Capitals Coalition. The event will bring together prominent professionals from companies, financial institutions, and business organizations worldwide to share their experience in integrating nature into business practices. These professionals are part of a global community of thousands of partners working together to integrate what matters to people, including nature, in order to transform decision-making.

        During the session, we will showcase how companies and financial institutions are contributing to achieving Target 15 of the using frameworks, tools, and metrics to assess and disclose their impacts and dependencies on nature, while also addressing the challenges they face. Additionally, we will emphasize the need for capacity development, including government support, to implement the obligations outlined in the Global Biodiversity Framework.