
The commitment to innovation es esencial para nosotros, dado que es la única forma que creemos posible para mantener la competitividad y ofrecer soluciones efectivas a los desafíos empresariales y ambientales en constante evolución

We drive and support the development of innovative tools que permiten explorar y comprender los efectos que las actividades económicas tienen en el entorno natural, con el fin de ofrecer información basada en la ciencia y robusta que facilite una toma de decisiones responsable y fundamentada

Nature Value Tool

Digital tool developed for the measurement, valuation, and management of the natural capital of forests, as well as their environmental, social, and economic benefits.


We have collaborated with Repsol and Minsait in the development of the methodology and the associated digital tool, Reads, which enables a comprehensive assessment of the environmental impacts of business projects and operations on biodiversity and ecosystem services, climate change, water resources, and social well-being.