
Here you will find valuable resources that we have developed to support companies and organizations in integrating nature-related considerations

As members of the consortium promoting the European Align project, aimed at supporting companies, financial institutions, and other stakeholders in developing standardized natural capital accounting practices, we contribute to the development and review of these recommendations , which provide much-needed clarity on ‘what’ should be measured and ‘how’ to carry out the measurement and valuation of corporate biodiversity.

This video summarizes the work carried out for the COMFOR-SUDOE research project, funded by the European Union, which aims to promote the protection and development of complex forestswith diverse structures due to the presence of various tree species or the different stages of maturity of the inhabiting species, ensuring their replenishment. Therefore, the video shows us why complex forests can be great allies in the environmental crisis we are facing.

Video of the LIFE BooGI-BOP project (Boosting Green Infrastructure Through Biodiversity-Oriented Design of Business Premises), aimed at supporting companies from various European countries in implementing nature-oriented design in their business environments to contribute to biodiversity protection.

This infographic provides examples of measures that companies can adopt to redesign their business environments in a way that promotes biodiversity.

Together with Azentúa, we have collaborated on a three-year collaborative project carried out by Cepsa, EDP España, Enagás, Endesa, Iberdrola, Naturgy, Redeia, and Repsol., para consensuar una terminología, marco y metodología comunes para la identificación y valoración del capital natural, aplicable a la industria de la energía global.

This publication stems from the work of the members of Technical Session 6 of CONAMA (CT6) on ‘The Future of Climate and Nature Risks and Their Financial Impact.’It is an informative document useful for economic, financial, and social actors interested in better understanding the landscape of climate and nature risks and their financial impact.

We prepared this report within the framework of the European project COMFOR-SUDOE (COMplex FORests), proposing various monetary and non-monetary valuation techniques for the benefits of complex forests for rural and urban societies in Spain, France, and Portugal. Its purpose is to serve as a guide for land management decision-makers.

Along with Report for managers and policymakers on monetary and non-monetary valuation methods of environmental services of complex forests in the Sudoe region, we developed this decision tree as a guide for policymakers and other territorial actors when selecting the method to economically value the benefits or services of ecosystems provided by complex forests.The publication offers essential information for making better-informed decisions aimed at promoting sustainable forest management.

We contributed to the publication of this guide, which was created with the aim of achieving a consensus document to serve as a methodological tool for defining the State Strategy for Green Infrastructure and Ecological Connectivity and Restoration. The guide includes examples of the application of criteria, techniques, or methodologies that, in different cases and environments, have enabled the complete or partial implementation of Ecological Restoration (ER) methodology.

We contributed to this publication that examines existing approaches to achieving no net loss of biodiversity in selected countries of the European Union, with a focus on Spain. Adopting an explicitly European perspective, this document focuses on various options to offset negative impacts on nature, ecosystem services, and biodiversity in the European context.

We participated in the preparation of this study by CDC Biodiversité and Mission Économie de la Biodiversité, which details the ecological compensation approaches implemented worldwide, based on an analysis of scientific literature and stakeholder consultation. It focuses on a sample of 11 countries across five continents, including Spain.