Positive impact

How can we help you?

Developing global methodologies to measure positive impacts on biodiversity and natural capital, as well as defining strategies and action plans to achieve a net positive impact on biodiversity. To this end, we promote environmental management that applies ecosystem thinking to foster positive and sustainable environmental outcomes in the areas where we operate.

Our foundation

The long-term success of any company depends on its ability to understand and manage its impacts and dependencies on biodiversity, and thus it must promote the maintenance or enhancement of its value, as well as the associated goods and benefits.

Forward-looking companies are adopting the net positive impact approach to achieve net gains for biodiversity from their projects, aiming to create long-term value at all levels (product, operation, country, employees, suppliers, communities, and future generations).

Una empresa comprometida con alcanzar un impacto neto positivo en la biodiversidad devuelve más a la sociedad, la economía y las personas de lo que retira de ellos