Nature markets

How can we help you?

We collaborate with businesses and financial institutions to unlock funding for positive outcomes for nature, exploring the potential of biodiversity credit markets, nature conservation banks, payments for ecosystem services (PES), and green bonds.

Our foundation

More than half of the world's GDP depends moderately or heavily on nature.. However, the Global Biodiversity Framework estimates that the funding gap needed to stop biodiversity loss by 2030 is approximately US$ 700 billion per year, while in 2019, the total global flow of funds for biodiversity protection was around US$ 124 billion to US$ 143 billion.

This funding gap cannot be covered solely by public funds, which is why businesses play a key role and must consider nature as a market asset to encourage sustainable management of natural resources and ensure their long-term availability by recognizing their importance to the economy.

En el camino hacia la adopción de prácticas empresariales regenerativas, los créditos de biodiversidad, bancos de conservación de la naturaleza, pagos por servicios ambientales (PSA) o bonos verdes ofrecen una oportunidad interesante para proteger ecosistemas críticos de los que dependen empresas y sociedades